National honor for India’s most remarkable brands

India’s Most Trusted Education Awards recognizes and celebrates outstanding educational institutions nationwide for their incredible work. Winning this award is an honor, highlighting your organization’s exceptional work and contribution to the education sector, helping you put your institution on the map, and opening up new opportunities for collaboration and partnerships.

Transparent Selection Process

100% unbiased selection process based on comprehensive research and surveys to ensure only the best of the bests get awarded.

Unique Benefits

Lifetime logo usage right, national honor, high-end networking opportunity, boosted brand recognition, and much more.

Free Nomination

Eliminating the financial barrier and letting organizations of all sizes showcase their excellence on a highly-reputed stage.

National honor for India’s most remarkable brands

Following a decade-old legacy of recognizing and honoring India’s most trusted Brand with one of the most prestigious corporate awards in the country.
Total Awards
Clients Served
Total Winners
Total Projects

Award Concept

India’s Most Trusted Brand Awards strive to recognize, honor, and reward the country’s fastest-growing brands. With the mission of taking Indian businesses to a global level and giving every deserving brand a chance to showcase its excellence on a continental and intercontinental stage, IBC started this award. All the awardees of the prestigious national award are eligible to participate in IBC’s Asia and World brand awards – making you a truly local to a global brand.

Our comprehensive research and selection process chooses the most trusted brand by analyzing its ability to relate effectively to its consumers, deliver complete satisfaction, earn consumer loyalty, and be economically successful. Keeping this in mind, we have created India’s Most Trusted Brand Awards, an exclusive platform that recognizes and rewards brands that have worked tirelessly to achieve brilliance and excel in their respective fields.

India’s Most Trusted Brand Awards celebrate the true spirit of these powerful brands and provide them with a national platform and extensive exposure, allowing them to showcase their successful journey to the entire country and inspire others to follow their path of success and achievement.

Over the years, we have organized prestigious corporate award ceremonies in India and recognized top brands and corporations across various industries. We have received valuable feedback to include brands that may not have a large market share or turnover but are admired and trusted by Indian consumers and outshine their competitors by delivering the best service/product.

These brands have continuously contributed to the growth and benefit of the Indian economy and deserve to be highlighted for their outstanding work and success. Therefore, we invite brands from diverse industries, regardless of their size of operation, to participate in the nomination process of this prestigious award ceremony and stand a chance to receive the recognition they deserve.

Legacy of Excellence

With 10+ years of awarding the best brands across India’s legacy, our awards hand all winners unique benefits and opportunities, including:


The opportunity to expand your business network by connecting with potential investors, partners, collaborators, suppliers, and future clients at our award gala.


Impeccable industry recognition through marketing via various digital and social media channels, resulting in impactful visibility.


Our awards provide a level playing field in the industry by offering free nominations and the lowest registration fees, enabling the top competitors to rise to the top.


Ready to showcase your unique and important business and become an industry leader? Then showcase it on the world's most prestigious awards stage.


Acknowledgment of your excellence through this award will boost employee morale and productivity, benefiting both internal and external stakeholders.


Companies will have an opportunity to gain global recognition for their outstanding achievements and overall success.

Winner’s Testimonials

Having awarded thousands of remarkable brands leaving a positive impact on their customer’s life and the country’s economy, we are proud to share with you the words of encouragement of our winners:

Awarding the India’s Leading Companies and Organizations

For over a decade, India Business Leadership Awards has been awarded to hundreds of companies and organizations Including