

Get the recognition your business deserves

India’s Most Trusted Brand Award is a matter of prestige for the winners as the brands are selected on the basis of their performance, quality of products, innovativeness, customer satisfaction, management’s long-term vision, strategies & future goals.

The award has been rated by analysts and expert leaders from different domains as the most credible and prestigious title in the recent history of business and brand awards.

As our reputation has grown, so too has the prestige associated with winning our accolades. The transparency and authenticity of our research and the selection process serve as a strong element of competitiveness to our Awards. The title of India’s Most Trusted Brand helps in better positioning & growth of the brand in today’s competitive market.

The brands which have been using our logo in their publicity material & marketing collaterals (including brochures, catalogs, hoardings, newspapers & TV Ads) have identified a significant increase (10% to 30%) in their business.

70% of consumers prefer to buy a brand with India’s Most Trusted Brand logo because of the good brand value, reputation, and trust factor associated with the logo/title. The logo helps create a positive influence on consumers, making their purchase decisions easier.

Additional benefits from the association:
The winner will be entitled to use the logo of India's Most Trusted Brand Award for a lifetime in all their publicity & marketing material (including brochures, catalogs, hoardings, newspapers & TV Ads) from the date of receiving the award.
Certificate with the title of India’s Most Trusted Brand will be awarded to your brand.
Media kit including a press release copy, various formats of the logo, and banner design to display your achievement on the premises & for marketing / promotional purposes.
Brand profile / an article (up to 1000 words) along with your Chairman/MD/CEO’s picture to be published on an International News Portal.
A 2 Min AV of your Chairman/MD/CEO talking about the brand, industry, achievements, mission, vision, etc., to be published on an International News Portal.
1 min audio-visual clip of the winning brand to be publicized through an International News Portal.
Award recipient logo to be displayed on our awards website with other winners.
Publicity through press release distribution, publicity on social media platforms, and other PR activities to ensure maximum coverage & mileage for the winning brands.